“pursuit of happiness”, 2023
gouache on toile, scanned digital image, projection
22 x 32
gouache on toile, scanned digital image, projection
22 x 32

“supernatural”, 2023
film on usb
projected on prada marfa, ballroom marfa
film on usb
projected on prada marfa, ballroom marfa

“atelier on the prairie”, 2023
thread, nails, pattern paper, poem typed on newsprint, mannequin hand in trailer
thread, nails, pattern paper, poem typed on newsprint, mannequin hand in trailer

“bust”, 2022
photograph suspended by thread, nails
60 x 80
photograph suspended by thread, nails
60 x 80

“mannequin machine”, 2022
acrlyic on canvas, denim, wood, thread, nails
2 hour performance, installation
acrlyic on canvas, denim, wood, thread, nails
2 hour performance, installation